Intelligence components

Intelligence is an ability to solve task and is divided into individual parts - mathematical intelligence, three-dimensional orientation, 2D orientation, verbal intelligence, motoric intelligence and memory. A proper IQ test should test and measure all these intelligence components.

Intelligence is an ability to solve task and is divided into individual parts - mathematical intelligence, three-dimensional orientation, 2D orientation, verbal intelligence, motoric intelligence and memory. A proper IQ test should test and measure all these intelligence components.

Intelligence is a native ability, which means that her high cannot be influenced but  can be further enlarged thank to role situations or experience.

Individuals usually are not gifted only in one area of intelligence but can reach better results in more areas at once. However, intelligence is often focused on certain area in which excells more than in other areas. Translators and poets will shine in verbal intelligence, architects on the other hand in the area of dimensional imagination. Every individual, when completing the test, has a feeling that some questions are easier for them than others. 

Mathematical intelligence

Mathematical intelligence shows itself e.g. by an abilities of logical thinking and abilities to logically analyze situations and problems or abilities to correctly use mathematical formulas. IQ tests question have usually forms of numerical lines where some numbers are missing. 

However, mathematical intelligence can be measure by tasks with completing letters if they are based on mathematical principals.
For example: complete the missing letter: O Q S T ...

Dimensional intelligence

Dimensional intelligence expresses how a person perceive the environment around. This ability is usually given to architects or sculptures. Tasks measuring these type of intelligence cover e.g. rotating three-dimensional objects. 

Visual „2D“ intelligence

Visual intelligence expresses recognition of optical differences and similarities on objects.

Verbal intelligence

Verbal intelligence is expressed by a sense for native language aswell as foreign languages, by usage of correct word, by understanding the meaning of words and by abilities to distinguish differences in the meanings. This type of intelligence is usually given to translators, lawyers or poets.  

Concrete tasks to identify this type of intelligence cover tasks like this: discarding words that do not correspond with other or completing parts of words so the final words make sense.

Motoric intelligence

Among the components of motoric intelligence we can include e.g. coordination of movements, need to move or ability  to work and manipulate various objects. Sometimes this intelligence is called practical intelligence


Memory as another component of intelligence is being tested rather exceptionally. 


Above displaid tasks are only illustrative. Question in IQ tests are established by professionals in measuring and testing intelligence. Various test of individual intelligence components are being prepared for our website IQ-TESTER.CZ.

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