IQ test
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Mother wit
Test your level of mother wit in a unique IQ test established by professional in the field of psychology. We established for you and online IQ test that will test your intelligence in six areas of human thinking.
Numerical Intelligence
Testing the numerical inteligence is focused mainly on mathematical operations with figures and mathematical thinking. The numerical intelligence in IQ tests is tested thanks to series numerical, completing signs etc. Social environment and age has influence on numerical intelligence which can be further enlarged by continuous excercising and education.
Wise is the one who gets to know himself

Measuring of the intelligence
First attempts to measure intelligence appeared in the 19th century when IQ was determined by the size of human brain. Nowadays we use other methods of measuring of the intelligence - tests of intelligence. Measuring of the intelligence »
Highest IQ of the day
Smartest nations today

Distribution of IQ > 120 amongst nations