General Terms of Use of the website

Thereinafter “The General Terms”.

The Operator of the website

CzechProject spol. s r.o.
Termesivy 41,
Havlíčkův Brod
ZIP code: 580 01
Česká republika
ID: 25942344
VAT ID: CZ 25942344
Registered into the trade register guided by city court in Hradec Králové, section C, enclosure 16375.

Thereinafter “The Operator”.

Contact email:

The User

Every visitor of The Website and its localized national website (thereinafter The Website) is counted as The User.

Rights and obligations of The User

The User is obliged to keep The General Terms. By using The Website, The User expresses agreement with these General Terms and confirms that read them and understood them.

If an error occurs which inhibits The User from using The Website properly, The User is authorized to contact The Operator via contact email.

The User can withdraw from the contract with The Operator only to the moment when there is no execution of the contract from the part of The Operator and the test is not evaluated.

The User – the personal entity, agrees with data processing (such as name, surname, email address, age, telephone number, score of the test – thereinafter “The Personal data”) for the purpose of evaluating the IQ test, for purpose of executing the obligations of the delivering services contract and for the sending business message by The Operator. The Personal data can’t be forwarded to the third part. The Operator can authorize third part as an executor to process The Personal data.

The User may ask The Operator via contact email to remove all Personal data from the database and The Operator is obliged to meet the demands of the User at a moment’s notice.

Rights and obligations of The Operator

The Operator is obliged to keep The General Terms.

The Operator reserves the right to change The General terms. The changed General Terms enter into force in the date of the publication on The Website.

Evaluation of the test

The evaluation of the test on The Website is ensured by PREMIUM SMS technology. The provider of the paid service Premium SMS is After finishing the IQ test, The User is asked to send evaluation SMS message. On the basis of this SMS, The User obtains confirm code in return. Through the use of this confirm code, The User reaches the result of the test. The price of one SMS is 2.5 EUR, and to get the results user must send 1 messages, so the end user price is 2.50 EUR, VAT included. The User acknowledges that for reaching the test result it is necessary to have the PREMIUM SMS service activated from the mobile operator.

In case the SMS message with the confirmation code is not delivered, The User should contact The Operator via contact email.

These General Terms of Use enter into force in the date of the publication.


Published on 28th December 2010 in Prague,